Crowdfunding success of Kitemill

22nd of Desember, Kitemill closed a successful funding campaign. The aim was to attract new investors to the company, to make the company's environmental friendly solutions available soon enough for the commercial market. During the campaign, investors have subscribed for 6,5 million NOK.

If you have missed the campaign, send e-mail to Kitemill with your contact info marked with "invest in Kitemill" and we will contact you in the next round.

Kjell Jostein Bø.png

Photo by Jørn Lekve

Kjell Jostein Bø, Senior General Manager at Voss Sparebank

Kitemill is a technology company that will revolutionize the wind power industry. This is by using a kite to harness Kitemill strong and stable winds in higher altitude to produce energy in an environmentally friendly, safe and affordable way. Kitemill’s kites can barely be seen when they draw energy through the sky over 400 meters high. A full scale production can reach up to 1500 meters’ altitude.

The crowdfunding campaign started on 24th of November 2016 and was closed 22nd of December 2016 after a short extension. On the campaign's first day, we received subscriptions from seven new investors for a total of 2 030 000 million. In total 80 new shareholders joined the company.

Kongsberg Innovation ownership

Kitemill’s largest shareholder today are farmer, entrepreneur and investor, Jon Gjerde, with family. In addition, strong industrial partners as owners, represented by including Kongsberg Innovation AS, Lundevågen Holding AS (owner of Einar Øgrey Farsund) and Transition Robotics from the US.

One of the first subscribers in the campaign was Voss Sparebank, with 1.5 million NOK.

Voss Sparebank with great faith in their investment

-We strongly believe in Kitemill’s technologies and their ability to commercialize this in the future. It is important to support the industries that are growing in Voss, says Senior General Manager Kjell Jostein Bø Voss Sparebank.

In addition, several private investors subscribed for larger and smaller amounts.

-This allowed not only professional investors but also private persons, to take an ownership stake. Many want to contribute to a green shift in the world. Kitemill can make a difference, through our environmentally friendly technology that produces energy without leaving the impression anthropogenic footprint in nature, says Kitemill’s general manager, Thomas Hårklau.

The Crowdfunding campaign was closed 22/12/2016

Read more about Kitemill’s crowdfunding:

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