-Airborne Wind Energy has the potential to complement traditional wind energy, by harvesting wind energy from higher altitudes with less material use, resulting in lower LCoE, says Alfred van den Brink
He has been a part of the Kitemill team since following the merger with the e-Kite team.Alfred van den Brink has extensive education, experience and expertise in innovation and the development of new business concepts. He has worked all his career as innovator with passion to lead the development of advanced products in the automotive, truck and wind energy business.
Cofounder of e-Kite
Alfred van den Brink (56) is born and live in The Netherlands. He has a Bachelor in Automotive Engineering, MBA from University of Keele (UK), and has wide experience as active involved R&D manager responsible for initiating and leading the development of a variety of new products like f.e. LPG fuel injection systems for cars, Mirror actuators for cars, Direct drive multi-megawatt wind turbines, Mirror replacement camera system for trucks and he co-founded e-Kite for the development of Airborne wind energy in The Netherlands.
- We knew Kitemill obviously since we are all part of the global Airborne Wind Energy Community. This relationship is intensified since I now work as technology advisor and partime CTO for Kitemill,says Alfred.
Kitemills tremendous progress
Alfred van den Brink became investor in Kitemill as part of the merger with e-kite. When it comes to Kitemill's future, he says:
- The competent Kitemill team has booked tremendous progress over the last years and was able to demonstrate significant progress in maturing its promising technology. However, such a game changing technology can only be realized with substantial support of the investment community, says an optimistic van den Brink, who is 56 years old, married with Ina, two children (both married last year).
A profitable investment?
He is happy about a good start to Kitemill's crowdfunding campaign and hopes that many people are interested in participating in the company's further development.
- It may turn out to be a profitable investment. Not only for the owners but also for our common planet and the environment. It could be this year´s breakthrough!
He also has his own company, “BrinkNovation”, as innovator and specialist driving challenging innovation and product development from concept to market introduction.