Kitemill and FE creat "greenwashed" ONS2018

Kitemill and FE Create cooperated about a stand at ONS2018 in Stavanger. It was one of the most visited stands with a great show of the Spark Kite along with FE Creates new AWE winch.


FE Create "greenwashed" ONS 2018 with next generation wind power and real gras.

Equipment presented

During August 2018, Kitemill presented its second prototype system at the ONS conference in Stavanger. The booth was shared with Flekkefjord Elektro who presented their 250 kW winch build for airborne wind energy application. The booth was visited by many participants of the former Oil&Gas conference. This year, there was an increased focus on renewable energy solutions and Kitemill was well covered across the Norwegian media e.g. the channel TV2.


TV2 financial news


NRK radio


The spak kite and the FE create winch

Kitemill and FE Create at TV2

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