Kitemill brought up in the Norwegian Parlament as a big industrial opportunity

Member of the Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment in the Norwegian Parliament, Gisle Meininger Saudland (Frp) was one speaker under the "opositions debate" after the King open the parliament for the autumn. Amongst other he mentioned that he visited Kitemill at the ONS in august.

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Saudlands speach about Kitemill:

"I believe that most of us has used the summer to visit companies and met people and voters who want to meet us. Latest at the Oil exhibition at Stavanber did i meet a local company named Kitemill from the Lista area in Vest -Agder. Which combine autonomous vehicles and drone technology with electricity production in a new and innovative way. Does it succeed power can be produced in a totally new way by drones 1000meter in the sky. I'm glad we have this innovative people in the region. I will follow this project closely in the future as it potentially can create many jobs in the Lister-region" says Saudland.

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