An EU Horizon 2020 project has been completed by Kitemill. "Horizon 2020 funds high-potential innovation developed by SMEs through the SME instrument. The SME instrument offers Europe's brightest and boldest entrepreneurs the chance to step forward and request funding for breakthrough ideas with the potential to create entirely new markets or revolutionise existing ones".
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774974.
This project has been a phase one project where to purpose is exploring and assessing the technical feasibility and commercial potential of a breakthrough innovation that Kitemill intend to exploit and commercialize.
Kitemill is a Norwegian technology company developing a commercial solution for airborne wind energy. In this project Kitemill has executed a feasibility study with regards to further demonstration and commercialization of our technology. The main objective was to conduct a market study and work out a plan on how to introduce the technology in the most promising markets and which strategies to use.
Work done:
Market studies were performed on European markets and Emerging Markets, focusing on developing countries in Europe, resulting in a market assessment report.
To strengthen its technology readiness, Kitemill has during the project period initiated a project to qualify its technology together with the company DNV GL during a potential Phase 2 project period. Together, a risk assessment and a qualification process will result in a technology certificate to be used towards our customers.
A quality management system has been preliminary designed based on Kitemill’s current internal processes. This will be executed during the second phase of Nextwind, which will develop this further and include the production processes. This Manufacturing Execution Systems system will ensure the quality of the kite turbines in relation to the product specification.
On the operational side, Kitemill had discussions with potential suppliers of weather data to include a weather forecast linked to the control system. That system will communicate with the control system of the kite turbine to ensure optimal operational performance.
During Summer 2017, Kitemill received a payment for its first kite turbine from its customer Sør Energi, which is a major achievement at this stage. The turbine is an example of a minimum viable product that still needs further development. The companies also planned for a demonstration park containing 5 units. To secure the necessary permits for that demonstration park, Kitemill applied for, and was granted, a new permanent operation zone by the civil aviation authorities.
Meetings were held with representatives of utility companies and a report on AWE was evaluated.
Potential suppliers for our commercial products have been selected and binding agreements have been made. Kitemill has thus established a supply chain that ensures a smooth launch of its commercial activities.
Due to the opportunity provided by the EU support, Kitemill has been able to do a thorough assessment which improved the technology and its impact on the commercial introduction.