Permission granted

Kitemill has been granted permission to operate the 30kW plant at Lista. The permission is valid 24/7. This approval allows parallel operation with use of the runway at Lista Airport, proving that airspace organization can allow AWE system to operate in coordination with a nearby airport.


Permit to build

Normally power plants require concession, but in Norway wind energy plants of total capacity less than 1 MW can be permitted by a local build permit. The most demanding part of a build permit for AWE systems is the permission to operate in the airspace. After several years with a temporary permission and a 23 months process which included a public hearing, Kitemill was December 2017 granted a permanent operational area by the Civil Aviation Authorities, for Lista Airport. With this permit Kitemill applied the local municipality, Farsund Kommune, for a temporary build permit.

The permit was granted in March 2018 with a requirement to perform an investigation of the plants influence on the local birdlife. It exists limited documentation on AWE systems influence on the birdlife. Lista is a location with a uniquely rich birdlife and bird observation has been registered for the past 30 years. This makes Lista well suited to investigate the impact between the technology and birds.

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