Terje Breivik was informed about Kitemill its technology

Terje Breivik, member of the Parliament and vice-president in Venstre, was informed about Kitemill its technology during a meeting in Voss at the end of January 2017. The meeting was organized by Destination Voss, where several companies presented themselves for Breivik and his colleagues from Venstre.

1701 - Venstre og Terje Breivik på Voss.jpg

Photo by Jørn Lekve, Kitemill

Venstre leaders testing the durability: this line can take a tension up to three tonnes. It is used in Kitemill its technology, to transmit the energy from the airborne kites down to the ground-based generator. Here Venstre’s Terje Breivik tests the line after a presentation by Kitemill its largest shareholder, Jon Gjerde, and its general manager Thomas Hårklau. In the background of the 2 mentioned people, you find the general manager of Destinasjon Voss Mona Hellesnes and the general manager of Voss Resor Bavallen Øyvind Wæhle

On the information meeting at the new offices of the industrial cluster of Voss, Breivik took with him Elin Seim and Jorunn Ytrefjord, both board members of Venstre in the town Voss, as well with the campaign advisor Frode N. Fjeldstad, who has responsibility for the provinces of Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane and Møre og Romsdal. Later on that day, Breivik participated in a meeting at Voss Venstre.

Fornybar AS after the initiative of Breivik and Venstre

After questions from the public during the business briefing, Terje Breivik informed on the status in relation to Fornybar (Renewable) AS, which is to be established. The start of this fund was one of Venstre and Breivik its important negotiation input in relation to the budget agreements two years ago.

The establishment of the fund was regarded as an important Venstre-victory during the budget negotiations.

New values and green growth

- We want to facilitate a business environment that creates new values and green growth. The new Fornybar AS will be an important tool to support development of environmentally friendly technologies. In this regard, Kitemill its solution is very interesting and can be appropriate for this fund, said Terje Breivik.

Breivik said that Fornybar AS, that will be capitalized with 20 billion Norwegian kroners, will contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions and will come in addition to already existing support mechanisms.

- The initiative will include efforts towards new technologies that are transitioning between a technology development phase towards a commercialization phase. This is the most important with the fund, not where it is localized, even if I do have an opinion about this as well, said Breivik.

In the Parliament, but also active in his home town

It was the second time that the described Parliament member visited Kitemill. The general manager Thomas Hårklau is very happy that the politician who represents Voss and Hordaland is committed to follow the development of Kitemill and the whole airborne wind energy industry. Kitemill has its main office in Voss but is oriented internationally.

Terje Breivik is born, grew up and lives in Ulvik in Hardanger. He is a Parliament representative and vice-president in Venstre. Breivik has a background as a founder, and is committed to industrial development and reduction of poverty.

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