Kitemill visiting ENEL

As a beneficiary received grants from EU’s SME Instrument program, Kitemill was invited to Italy and Enels Innovation Lab at Sicilia.

Thomas presents Kitemill at Enel Innovation Lab 2.jpg

Photo by Business Acceleration Services

The largest grid operator in the world

Kitemill was introduced amongst the most promising startups in the field of energy.

Enel, the largest grid operator in the world, hosted the event which has conducted at Enels Innovation Lab at Sicilia in Italy. Here we was introduced for Enel’s businesses and we had an excellent tour in the New Innovation Lab Enel recently opened. In the tour we was presented a number of innovative projects within solar, storage and wind power.

"-It was interesting to meet and learn more about Enel. We also had good conversations with Enel about Airborne Wind and got feedback on Kitemill’s plan. It was also interesting to learn the other SME’s to know. We have a lot to learn from each other, it might also be protentional for cooperation. Last but not at least it was useful to meet EU’s SME Instrument Business Acceleration Services", sais Thomas who represented Kitemill in the event.

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Next Kitemill will participate in the EIC Innovators’ Summit 2018 in Berlin in September. This event is also initiated through the SME Instrument Business Acceleration Services.

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